oso mierdoso Super Cool Page :D oso mierdoso

Welcome to my super cool site.
I don't know much about programming but I'm trying the best I can
I want this to be some kind of virtual diary. If you're reading this then that means I've decided to publish it so that my descent to insanity is open to public B)
Anyways, when I first discovered Neocities I knew that I found something truly special. Since I wasn't able to experience the internet while it was on its rise, Neocities just opened a portal to a lot of cool and interesting things that I would've never seen if it wasn't for it. Also, the passion that people put into their sites is truly inspiring, and I hope that someday, by learning step by step everyday, I'll get to leave a mark on at least one person.
So enjoy your stay, don't get lost while exploring and thanks again for clicking on my site, it truly means a lot to me.
Btw this site is still under construction so if you want you can follow me here to receive updates on its development :)

my dog in space:0
What?! How did Luna get there??